Solar Energy
At eFlow Energy we make solar simple.
Why Go Solar?
According to PG&E's website, electricity rates have gone up on average 5.5% per year. Future rate projections include a 12.4% jump in 2020 and an overall 22% increase by 2022. As a result, energy consumers are turning to solar energy as their environmental and cost friendly alternative. With incentives at their peak and costs of equipment declining, it's no wonder California has ranked #1 in Solar PV Installations from 2016-2018 (Solar Market Insight Report 2018, For customers looking to maximize their savings there has never been a better time to take advantage of renewable energy.
Solar is a Secure Investment
From an investor's perspective, going solar is perhaps one of the safest investments compared to its more traditional alternatives. Take your chances on the stock market and you're lucky if you get a 10% return on investment. With solar you can get a risk free return on investment of up to 18%.
Save Money and the Environment
Many consumers chose to go solar mainly for the financial benefit but the environmental benefit is one worth mentioning. In an effort to combat harmful emissions the California Building Standards Commission passed a mandate starting in 2020 that requires all newly built homes to be powered by solar. This was viewed as a necessary step in order to reach the state's 100% renewable energy goal. With a solar panel's ability to produce clean energy, this essentially eliminates further air pollution with harmful carbon dioxide emissions and contributes to the greater good of our planet.